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Welcome to the Unofficial Blog of Centric - The world's first dual-cryptocurrency payment network

Hello! I hope that you're doing well amidst this world-wide crisis. It appears that the whole world is in shambles; Stocks are down, Cryptocurrency is down and fiat is being printed indefinitely.

Even without the Coronavirus Pandemic, everything seemed amiss: Fiat is predominately in a state of inflation, making savers the ultimate losers, and cryptocurrencies, forms of money with unlimited potential, are being underutilized, due to their speculative value, which causes indefinite price swings, making investors, consumers and retailers hesitant to hold, accept, and use said cryptocurrencies.

Nonetheless, I have good news. Centric, the world's first dual-cryptocurrency payment network, has been resiliently tackling the bear markets, increasing in price each hour. Not only has it been maintaining its value since its inception, but it will also continue to increase in price indefinitely and predictably, allowing for a viable investment and storage of value, a medium that has benefits over those fiat currencies and predominant digital currencies.

Now, I understand what you are thinking: "A cryptocurrency that never goes down? This is too good to be true. How can this be?"

Centric - an Overview

Centric, as mentioned before, is a dual cryptocurrency payment network which; It Is comprised of Centric Rise and Centric Cash. The first token, Centric Rise, is the network's transactional currency - it steadily increases in price hourly in accordance with immutable price blocks set publicly one year in advance. The second token, Centric Cash, is pegged to the first and will freely trade on major cryptocurrency exchanges.

The exchange between the two tokens is governed by a decentralized protocol that self-regulates token supply to meet ongoing changes in demand. In combination, the two tokens' relationship solves key problems experienced by first generation cryptocurrency projects and those experienced by paper-issued currency: They offer a reliable store of value and upside incentive to join the network required for mass-adoption.

Centric Rise and Centric Cash

Both Centric Rise (CNR) and Centric Cash (CNS) are TRC-20 tokens, known for their scalability and speed. Centric Rise has a fixed supply of 1,000,000 tokens, which, with Centric Foundation's burning tactics, allow for a currency which continually increases in price, while maintaining market capitalization value. There is, on the other hand, an unlimited supply of CNS, the function of which is to provide liquidity for CNR, so supply is irrelevant to the currency's 1 USD pegged value.

Centric's token burn protocol and conversion between CNS to CNR, and wise versa, are externally audited, so as to guarantee safety and functionality. Also, when depositing and withdrawing tokens, users will have no misgivings, as the Centric wallet is "free, safe and secure," as experienced by 87,000+ users.

Possible Downsides Associated with Centric

There is, however, a foreseen downside, which is undoubtably present in every novel payment method: low liquidity, low adoption and susceptibility to threats and hacks. Nevertheless, the Centric Foundation has ambitious plans to market this currency and even list CNS on top twenty five cryptocurrency exchanges, which will happen relatively quickly, solutions that will greatly nullify the issues of low liquidity and adoption.

The issue of FUD and hacks are inherent in every new currency like they were in bitcoin; nonetheless, the Centric team is running a bug bounty program, which when the solutions are implemented, will likely eradicate exploits and hacks. And, in regards to the FUD, the team has been unrelentingly pursuing their goals, aligning their actions with those that will benefit the Centric token, things that, when realized, will dispel frustration, confusion and discomfort.


Ultimately, The Centric Foundation has created a viable, novel, dual- currency payment network, one whose benefits (an always-increasing, stable source of value and an incentive to hold) massively outweigh those which are associated with fiat and cryptocurrencies and whose cons are not as despicable, in comparison. We will divulge more into Centric and its team in the following articles.

Links to the Centric Website and Social Media links are below.

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